Profesores y formadores de profesores colaboran en investigaciones sobre la enseñanza de las ciencias


  • Ana M. Pessoa de Carvalho


This paper intends to discuss the different aims and approaches of the research projects in the teaching of sciences proposed by teachers of primary and secondary education who participate in university research teams, as well as by the researchers of these institutions that collect their data in the courses given to such teachers.

Even though all are devoted to the same subject, the teaching and learning in the courses given, the approach of each team is quite different. The interest of the teachers in research is fully dedicated to their pupils’ learning (have they learned or not?; how many did learn?; did they learn everything?), while researchers are concerned with understanding what the teaching-learning relationship is (e.g. the role of the argumentative dialogue between pupils and teachers), as well as with the study of such teachers’ ongoing training itself.


Science education, teacher training, action-research, teaching of physics




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