Experimentació amb tecnologia ExAC des d'una orientació de l'ensenyament com a investigació
We propose to integrate the performance of quantitative experiments in the physics or chemistry lectures by means of ExAC (Experimenting with the Aid of a graphics Calculator). This integration reinforces the teaching-learning process and fits perfectly well into the framework of science teaching by guided research. We insist on the convenience of not separating what has traditionally been called «practical work» from the «recitation and problem-solving sessions», i.e., in harmonizing instead of atomizing. This harmonization is favoured if one orients the experiments towards simple designs that allow to concentrate one’s attention in the manipulation of ideas and not in complex set ups. Some specific examples of in-class practice are also given.
Graphing/programmable calculator, high school, laboratory work, guided researchPublished
Copyright (c) 2003 Vicent Soler Selva, Albert Gras Martí
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.