A Mathematical Modeling Activity in Elementary School with Authentic Data about COVID-19
The aim of this study is to analyze a mathematical modeling task developed by students in the sixth grade of primary education (11-12 years old) based on a model-eliciting activity with real statistical data about COVID-19, which was implemented online during the period of confinement in Spain. Based on a multiple case study, the final products generated by the students are analyzed. The results show that, although not all students are able to develop a model, those who do are able to use intuitive concepts of statistics and probability that are outside the regular curriculum. It is concluded that these activities develop mathematical skills but require pedagogical knowledge to incorporate them frequently and successfully into teaching practice.
Mathematical modeling, Model-eliciting activities, Primary education, Statistical education, TransnumerationReferences
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Copyright (c) 2022 César Trelles-Zambrano, Ximena Toalongo-Guamba, Ángel Alsina
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