Climate change in high school Pedagogical contributions to its approach
This research aims to know the elements of the social representations (SR) on climate change (CC) in students of general (BG) and technological (BT) high school of the state of Veracruz, and make pedagogical contributions oriented to promote eco-citizen actions in students of this level. A quantitative investigation was carried out with a sample of 858 students, through a demographic questionnaire of 43 closed questions. The research hypothesis is: if there is no significant difference between the SRs on CC in the two study groups, it is possible to think that it is the common culture that configures this SR to a greater extent. The results show that this group builds a SR of the CC limited to its biophysical dimension with the presence of diffuse concepts, without identifying significant differences between the SRs of the groups.Keywords
Climate change, Environmental education, Social representations, High schoolReferences
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