Establishment of argumentative lines in the resolution of a problem with enzymes
This study analyses the argumentative lines followed by students from 10th grade during the resolution of an open problem, in which they must explain the reasons why the enzymatic reactions stop. The lines of reasoning as proposed by Kelly, Regev and Prothero (2008) are taken as a reference to develop the argumentative lines, which are understood as a succession of phases from the data to the conclusion. The results show that each group develops two argumentative lines, which integrate theoretical rather than empirical evidence. The use of inappropriate evidence implies that some of the argumentative lines are considered inadequate, since students don’t answer why enzyme reactions stop. The interpretative feature is one of the limitations of argumentative lines; however, they allow the examination of argumentative process followed by students.Keywords
Argumentative lines, Lines of reasoning, Data, Use of evidence, Enzyme-substrate interactionReferences
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