Opportunities to learn about the environmental issues in Chile’s national science curriculum


  • Marianela Beatriz Navarro Ciudad Universidad de Los Andes


The aim of the current study is to evaluate to what extent Chile’s national science currículum offers scientific literacy opportunities related to the environment. A content analysis of curricular documents was carried out using the Survey of Mathematics and Science Opportunities methodology (SMSO) and using the environmental contents that are evaluated by PISA as a reference. Results show opportunities to learn partially aligned between the current requirements of environmental scientific literacy and Chile’s national science currículum. This could explain, in part, Chilean students’ scores in the area of environment. This study provides information that contributes to the development of a science currículum that promotes education for sustainable development.


environmental science literacy, currículum analysis, opportunity to learn, attitudes towards environmental issues, education for sustainable development

Author Biography

Marianela Beatriz Navarro Ciudad, Universidad de Los Andes

Profesor Investigador

Centro de Investigación en Educación

Facultad de Educación

Universidad de Los Andes




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