Do teachers in training know which subcompetences are they working on when designing teaching activities?


  • Carlos de Pro Chereguini Universidad de Murcia
  • Antonio de Pro Bueno Universidad de Murcia
  • Francisca Serrano Pastor Universidad de Murcia


Often our initial training programs try to incorporate the «latest» knowledge of expe-rimental science teaching (DCE), but it is not always published what effects it has on the learning of future teachers. In one of our subjects, we had worked on contents related to the basic competences: what are they, in what subcompetences are they broken down, what are they working in the usual classroom activities, how can we modified activities to include other subcompetences, how can they be assessed... Then we asked them to design an activity on «Devices and mechanical machines» and to indicate what subcompetences they were working on. We have analyzed your answers. The results show the achievements and shortcomings of a group of teachers, at the end of the initial training period.


initial training of teachers, didactic knowledge, design activities, skills and subcompetences, mechanical devices and machines

Author Biographies

Carlos de Pro Chereguini, Universidad de Murcia

Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales

Antonio de Pro Bueno, Universidad de Murcia

Catedrático de Universidad del Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales

Francisca Serrano Pastor, Universidad de Murcia

Profesora Titular del Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico de Educación




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