Visualization abilities of mathematically gifted students: a comparison between the results from psychometric tests and the visualization abilities used for geometrical


  • Rafael Ramírez Uclés Universidad de Granada
  • Pablo Flores Martínez Universidad de Granada


Based on a review of the research, we observe that there is not a single opinion about the relationship between mathematical gift and visualization. One factor to be considered is the variety of instrument used to characterize the visualization. In this paper we compare the results from two visual tests with the visualization abilities shown in three curricular enrichment sessions. The results from a group of 25 students participating in a project for enrichment of the mathematical giftedness do not show any relationship between the visualization abilities shown in the tests and the visualization techniques used to solve geometrical tasks.


visualization, mathematical giftedness, visualization abilities, PMA test, DAT test

Author Biographies

Rafael Ramírez Uclés, Universidad de Granada

Departamento de Didáctica de la Matemática.

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación.

Campus Universitario de la Cartuja

Pablo Flores Martínez, Universidad de Granada

Departamento de Didáctica de la Matemática.

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación.

Campus Universitario de la Cartuja




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