What it is not said about mass, volume and density in the Spanish students’ books of Compulsory Secondary Education



This paper analyses the way in which the concepts of volume, mass and density are shown in the Spanish students’ books for the second (LOMCE) and the third year (LOE) of Compulsory Secondary Education. The intention is to establish the presence or absence of elements in this resource, which can help us to eliminate, or to promote, the alternative conceptions associated with these concepts that students have. The results show that LOE text books present lack of several aspects related to these concepts, which don’t improve substantially with the implementation of LOMCE. In general, students’ books introduce density like a mathematical equation without previous qualitative explanation about its meaning. Moreover, they don’t use to deal with alternative conceptions, like those related to the confusions between density and viscosity.


matter, density, misconceptions, text evaluation, secondary education

Author Biographies

Rafael Palacios-Díaz, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesor de Enseñanza Secundaria.

Dpto. de Física y Química. IES Hipatia. Mairena del Alajarafe (Sevilla)

Doctorando por la Universidad de Sevilla.

Dpto. de Didáctica de las  Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación.

Ana María Criado, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesora Titular del Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales.

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación.

Universidad de Sevilla.




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