Introduction to a method for conducting and analysing didactic dialogues based on the evaluation of mental models


  • Joan Aliberas Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Rufina Gutiérrez
  • Mercè Izquierdo Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Using ONEPSY model (ONtological, EPistemological, PSYchological) as theoretical framework we have developed a method for analyzing and conducting didactical dialogs in science lessons. We have also used this method in the regulation of a dialog between teacher and student, and further analysis. The regulation, performed using teachback technique, based on the work of Pask, has been shown fully compatible with ONEPSY model, and has proven to be effective both for student can identify their difficulties and be able to overcome them, as to achieve reasoning consistently with scientific knowledge. Finally, some of the possible consequences of their use in secondary education (ESO) science lessons are discussed.


didactic dialog, regulation, mental model, emotion, motivation

Author Biography

Joan Aliberas, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Profesor de Secundaria jubilado




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