Understanding number systems. Models and tasks


  • Antonio Luis Ortiz Villarejo Didáctica de la Matemática. Universidad de Málaga
  • José Luis González Marí Profesro Titular de la Universidad de Málaga


This article describes the fundamentals of a research with students for primary education teacher, in which a model for interpretation and assessment of understanding of mathematical knowledge to the particular case of numerical representation systems is applied. The results show that students begin their studies with a limited and purely technical domain and with important understanding gaps that are significantly improved along the development of specific didactical contents.


understanding of mathematical knowledge, decimal numbering system, systems of numerical representation, math teachers training

Author Biography

José Luis González Marí, Profesro Titular de la Universidad de Málaga

Departamento de Didáctica de la Matemática, CC. SS. y CC. EE.

Profesor Titular

Docencia en Grados de Maestro y Máster Profesorado




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