Perceptions of students for future primary school teachers about analog models as a didactic resource


  • Natalia Jiménez-Tenorio Universidad de Cádiz
  • Lourdes Aragón Núñez Universidad de Cádiz
  • José María Oliva Martínez Universidad de Cádiz


In this paper the opinions of 169 students of the Degree of Primary Education, about the usefulness of various analogic models used in their training in the phenomenon of the seasons, has been investigated. With this purpose, a test was used in order to evaluate the perceptions of the participants just to finalize a curricular unit on that topic that used analogic models. Two factors were considered for the data reported. One being, the specific model evaluated and if this learning process is centred on teachers or primary students. The results showed scores ranging from moderate to high. In addition, the variability of responses was better explained due to the analogy models’ characteristics rather than the subjects to which the models are targeted. However, the didactic intention of each resource was not always properly perceived by the participants.


teacher training, analogic models, modeling, perceptions, Sun-Earth system

Author Biography

Natalia Jiménez-Tenorio, Universidad de Cádiz

Profesora del Departamento de Didáctica de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales en el área de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales.




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