Competences and scientific practices in the chemistry lab: participation of students of secondary on inquiry


  • Beatriz Crujeiras Pérez Universidade de Santiago de Compostela


This research aims to contribute to the study of the participation of students in the practices of the scientific community, notably those related to the design and implementation of research and interpretation of data and establishment of conclusions, as well as to the study of operations epistemic students carry out in each practice. The study is part of an approach that considers the science learning as a process of socialization within the scientific culture (Driver, Newton & Osborne, 2010) and involves the participation of students in the characteristics of the scientific community practices. The participation of students in scientific practice (NGSS, 2013) means building scientific knowledge and understand why this is built, examines and evaluates a certain form (Reiser, Berland & Kenyon, 2012). Practice-based learning approach relates to the development of scientific competences, since both involve the development of similar operations.


scientific competence, scientific practice, inquiry, research planning, longitudinal study

Author Biography

Beatriz Crujeiras Pérez, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Profesora contratada en el departamento de didáctica de las ciencias experimentales de la facultad de formación del profesorado de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (campus de Lugo).




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