Current issues in teaching and learning radioactivity in secondary education


  • Javier Corbelle Cao IES Arcebispo Xelmírez 1
  • José Manuel Domínguez Castiñeiras Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


Through the means of a literature review, this article tackles the difficulties of teaching and learning about radioactivity and its related concepts. An analysis of the issue is carried out from different angles: students’ misconceptions, pre-service teachers’ ideas, classroom activities and teaching proposals. Having explored the causes of such difficulties, a large number of similarities between the thoughts of students and pre-service teachers can be found.


literature review, science education, radioactivity, misconceptions, pre-service teachers’ ideas

Author Biography

Javier Corbelle Cao, IES Arcebispo Xelmírez 1

Profesor de enseñanza secundaria de la materia de Física y Química




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