The emotions in the teaching and learning of science in secondary education


  • Ana Belén Borrachero Cortés Universidad de Extremadura


Analyze the influence that has the emotional dimension in the process of learning and teaching science, teaching effectiveness and the development of Experimental Sciences Professor, is a field of investigacion of utmost importance in the formation of new teachers. The background indicate that the training and the professional development of the Faculty of science is a complex process that affects of holistic to the person shape and is conditioned not only by professional aspects, but also by social and affective factors. For this reason, the study of domain affective in students in the subjects of science teachers in training in these subjects and compulsory secondary education (ESO), is necessary since the development of positive attitudes, through the promotion of feelings and favourable emotions, will facilitate a change in beliefs and expectations, favoring the approach of students towards science.


emotions, teaching, learning, sciences, secondary education




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