Reasoning based on the concept of finite limit of a function at a point
This article analyses the students’ conceptions in Non-Compulsory Secondary Edu¬cation about the concept of finite limit of a function at a point from its graphical representation. Conceptions emerge from the arguments students express when applying their individual definitions to a selection of graphical models of the concept. The goodness of observed students’ argumentations is characterized in terms of three levels of coherence between single student’s arguments and his indi¬vidual definition previously developed. The results show conceptions recognized in previous studies. This study also detects particular conceptions, such as, necessity for image existence of a function at a point to discuss on its limit at that point. Likewise, we detect a balance between fully coherent argu¬ments and incoherent ones with the individual definition.Keywords
conception, definition, finite limit of a function at a point, consistency of an argumentPublished
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Copyright (c) 2015 José Antonio Fernández Plaza, Juan Francisco Ruiz-Hidalgo, Luis Rico
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.