Challenges posed by open inquiry tasks in the laboratory: articulation of theoretical and practical knowledge in scientific practices
This paper analyses the contextualising practices of three small groups of master students engaged in an inquiry-based laboratory task, involving their participation in scientific practices. The objective is to examine the challenges involved in the process of contextualisation, in other words the process of connecting relevant theoretical knowledge to the context of an open task (to find a way to avoid browning in sliced apples), and transforming it into decisions and practical actions. The results show that participants had difficulties mobilising relevant theoretical knowledge and articulating it to practical actions. We discuss the implications, for the design of open tasks aimed at immersion in scientific practices and for planning adequate scaffolding.Keywords
contextualisation, scientific practices, inquiry, laboratory, open tasksPublished
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Copyright (c) 2015 Beatriz Crujeiras Pérez, María Pilar Jiménez Aleixandre
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