University teachers’ conceptions about science and science learning, and how they address the promotion of scientific skills in Biology teacher-training


  • Carolina Paz Martínez Galaz - Universidad Metropolitana Ciencias de la Educación. Chile - Universidad de Barcelona. España - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Chile
  • Corina Úrsula González Weil Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso


This research explores the conceptions about science of a group of Chilean University teachers, with the aim of relating their visions as to what science is and how it is learned. In addition, we analysed information about the scientific skills that they claim to promote in their classes, and how this relates to their conceptions. The study is a mixed investigation, in which the information on the study variables was recorded through a questionnaire and interviews. The results showed the existence of a positive relation between an empirical view of science and the traditional view of science learning; we also found a positive relation between the constructivist view of learning and the teachers’ claims that they promote scientific skills.


epistemological conceptions, pedagogical conceptions, scientific skills, pre-service teacher education, university teaching

Author Biographies

Carolina Paz Martínez Galaz, - Universidad Metropolitana Ciencias de la Educación. Chile - Universidad de Barcelona. España - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Chile

Profesora de Biología y Ciencias Naturales. Integrante del equipo de Investigación en Didáctica de las ciencias experimentales de la Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Actualmente cursa estudios de Doctorado, programa Educación y Sociedad. Universidad de Barcelona

Corina Úrsula González Weil, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Profesora de planta. Instituto de Biología. Laboratorio de Didáctica de la Biología.

Directora del grupo de investigación en didáctica de la biología y ciencias experimentales. PUCV




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