Conceptual and cognitive processes in the introduction of ordinary differential equations through problem solving


  • Matías Camacho Machín Departamento de Análisis Matemático. Universidad de La Laguna
  • Josefa Perdomo Díaz UNiversidad de La Laguna
  • Luz Manuel Santos Trigo Cinvestav-IPN


This study aims to analyze cognitive processes that a group of first year Chemistry students exhibit while working on a task that involves dealing with a variation phenomenon. The task is part of a teaching module to introduce the study of Ordinary Differential Equations. The implementation of the module was based on combining problem solving activities, the use of a hand-held calculator and fostering a collaboration work among students. Results indicate that the participants recognized and valued a problem solving approach that led them to use various representations and strategies to construct the concept of Differential Equation.


Ordinary differential equations, Mathematical proficiency, Problem solving, Cognitive processes

Author Biographies

Matías Camacho Machín, Departamento de Análisis Matemático. Universidad de La Laguna

Profesor Titular de Universidad. Area de Conocimiento de Didáctica de la Matemática

Luz Manuel Santos Trigo, Cinvestav-IPN

Investigador Titular.Departamento de Matemática Educativa.




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