Studying general chemistry textbook misrepresentation of gibbs free energy


  • Juan Quílez


This study is aimed at analysing the misrepresentation of free energy by general chemistry textbooks. The paper reports the way first-year university chemistry textbooks handle the criterion for both spontaneity and equilibrium. Problems with terminology were found. Particularly, confusion arises in the meaning given to ΔG, ΔrG, ΔGº and ΔrGº. Many textbooks do not differentiate ΔG and ΔrG. One problem is proposed and solved in order to exemplify the correct treatment of the quantities involved, which help in the discussion and clarification of the misleading assumptions reported in this study. Finally, the removal of those difficult concepts from the first-year university chemistry syllabus is suggested.


General chemistry, thermodynamics, physical chemistry, Gibbs’s energy, equilibrium, textbooks analysis




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