La generación autónoma de "conflictos cognoscitivos" para favorecer cambios de paradigmas en el aprendizaje de la física.
Researches agree to show that students have their own conceptual, not instructional schemata, that they use to interpret reality. The learning of Physics would then consist of producing conceptual changes from spontaneous to scientific paradigms. In this work it is outstanding that the learning will be significant not only when such a change is achieved, but fundamentally when it develops in the students strategies and skills that allow them modify the interpretative schemata in an autonomous way whenever the situation requires so. Starting from these ideas we dig into the characteristics of a learning mode significant and operative autonomous and self -generated, and we propose didactic strategies that could favour autonomy in learning.Published
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Copyright (c) 2006 L. Colombo de cudmani, J. Salinas de Sandoval

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