Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Teacher Educators about Science Education
Science education is part of the primary education teacher training programs of the province of Córdoba, in Argentina, particularly in curricular spaces that group together pedagogical-didactic and disciplinary knowledge of natural sciences (NS), such as «NS and its teaching methods». To find out what type of knowledge teacher educators set in motion in this subject, we used the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) construct, conducted semi-structured interviews and used the PCK mapping approach to understand how this knowledge relates and interacts. The results reveal a diversity of integrations among the PCK components, where the component of knowledge of the students’ understanding and orientations for teaching had the highest integrations, while knowledge about assessment was the least integrated.
Pedagogical content knowledge, Elementary education teacher trainers, Teaching science education, Declarative knowledge, Assessment of learningReferences
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Copyright (c) 2024 María Emilia Ottogalli, Gonzalo Miguel Angel Bermudez

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