Academic Approaches of the Emotions towards Physics in Teachers in Training
The main objective of this work is to categorize a list of emotions towards Physics in terms of topic, achievement, epistemic and social emotions to understand the origin of the latter. A qualitative analysis was conducted on answers which were collected from a group of 104 teachers in initial training. The instrument used was an open questionnaire about the intensity with which they recall experiencing the emotions. The two most frequently manifested approaches were topic and achievement. The first one was expressed as interest, enthusiasm, fun, boredom, and rejection, while the second one was expressed as frustration, satisfaction, concern, and nervousness. The results enabled us to understand in more depth the educational environment in which the emotions were generated, which made it possible to consider differentiated approaches according to their underlying causes.
Academic emotions, Approaches, Initial teacher training, Primary education, PhysicsReferences
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Copyright (c) 2024 Beatriz Pérez-Bueno, María Ángeles de las Heras Pérez, Roque Jiménez-Pérez
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