A Tool to Assess the Understanding of Statistical Tables in Secondary Education


  • Jocelyn D. Pallauta Universidad de Los Lagos
  • Carmen Batanero Universidad de Granada
  • María Magdalena Gea Universidad de Granada


Statistical tables are frequently used in Secondary Education (ESO), but there are few assessment instruments that cover the different variables involved in understanding them. In order to fill this gap, we present a questionnaire that considers the main variables and skills identified in the research on statistical tables in textbooks and their comprehension together with curricular guidelines. The process of construction and the validation of the instrument are described, and the indices of difficulty, the reliability of the questionnaire and the effect of the task variables in its application to a sample of 128 Spanish students in the 3rd year of ESO are provided. This is complemented by a description of the main semiotic conflicts identified and the reading level reached on the items.


Statistical tables, Assessment of understanding, Questionnaire construction, Secondary education


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