Using Virtual Reality in Geometry for the development of spatial skills
In the 21st century, there is a need for a change in the educational paradigm, and ICT can serve as a means to make it possible. This article presents a set of activities on polyhedra in 3rd of ESO (students aged between 14 and 16) to promote the acquisition and improvement of spatial skills. Based on the geometric errors detected in an initial assessment, activities are designed based on the advantages offered by immersive virtual reality environments for the development of these skills, in addition to activities carried out with manipulative materials. The students’ resolutions are analysed, showing and comparing the strategies used in both cases. The analysis of these results proves the development of spatial skills and an improvement in overcoming errors.
Spatial skills, Geometry, Virtual reality, Educational innovation, ICTReferences
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Copyright (c) 2023 Silvia Natividad Moral-Sanchez, Mª Teresa Sánchez-Compaña, Isabel María Romero-Albaladejo
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