Proposal for the Analysis of Adult Intervention in a Free-Choice Science Space


  • Jessica Haldón Lahilla Universitat a Manresa (UVic-Universitat Central de Catalunya)
  • Montserrat Pedreira Álvarez Universitat a Manresa (UVic-Universitat Central de Catalunya)
  • Gabriel Lemkow-Tovias Universitat a Manresa (UVic-Universitat Central de Catalunya)


For this research, a procedure to analyze the adult’s interventions in the Lab 0_6, a children’s, up to 6 years old, free-choice science space has been designed and implemented. The aim is to analyze the intervention and the impact of the adults involved, during the autonomous activity of children in the context of family sessions. The analysis is based on two dimensions, on the one hand, the level of coordination of the adult with the child and on the other hand, the introduction of new content, which give rise to four types of interventions that allow a better understanding of the children’s responses. The results indicate that the interventions which allow children to act with initiative and favor a continuity in the educational situations are those in which the adult intervenes in harmony with the child or when he or she does not intervene directly.


Science, Free-choice, Early childhood education, Intervention, Adult role


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