Analysis of the resolution of a kinematics problem using the hybrid conceptual map
The hybrid conceptual map is interpreted from an adaptation to school physics of some elements of the ontosemiotic approach. Interpretation allows to analyze the physical-mathematical activity involved in solving a physical problem. Through a descriptive case study, the interpretation made it possible to study the practices of solving a parabolic motion problem carried out by a teacher and two of her university physics students. The interpretation allows to graphically analyze the organization and connection of the physical-mathematical objects, to notice some processes involved in the resolution of the problem and to describe in a more adequate way the blind operativism when interpreting the representation of the physical-mathematical objects from two perspectives, cognitive/epistemic and ostensive/non-ostensive, rather than interpreting it as internal/external.
Graphic tool, Hybrid conceptual map, Problem solving, Parabolic motion, School physicsReferences
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Copyright (c) 2021 Nehemías Moreno Martínez, Luis Enrique Hernández Zavala, Eduardo Carlos Briceño Solís
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