Context, inquiry and modelling to move lower secondary students’ explanations



In this work we connect research and teaching practice from the analysis of the design of a sequence that integrates contextualization, inquiry, modelling and the evaluation of its effectiveness from the students’ ideas it mobilizes The qualitative-interpretative methodology allows the analysis of the teaching practice and the results show that the contextualization in a nearby problem (death of fish and algae in the beach) generates diversity of explanations among the students about the possible causes and coherence in what tests they would need to prove or refute them The search for evidence to detect the real cause of death, in this case by dehydration, offers descriptive knowledge that conditions their explanations, necessary for the designed simulation model for osmosis to make sense for students and be useful for transferring to other contexts.


Context, Inquiry, Modelling, Simulation, Students’ explanations


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Author Biography

Mª Rut Jiménez-Liso, Grupo Sensociencia. CEIMAR-Universidad de Almería

Titular de Universidad




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