Student ideas concerning radioactivity at the end of secondary school and their relation to textbooks and the media. A case study


  • Javier Corbelle Cao IES Arcebispo Xelmírez 1 (Santiago de Compostela)
  • José Manuel Domínguez Castiñeiras Universidad de Santiago de Compoostela


Via ad-hoc questionnaire, this article explores some ideas students have about radioactivity at the end of their compulsory education. Moreover, it revises material on radioactivity taken from a sample of textbooks at a 9th grade level, as well as analyzes how these topics were addressed by a sample of newspapers after the accident at nuclear power plant in Fukushima. Finally, it studies, how students’ ideas relate to those covered by textbooks and the newspapers.


radioactivity, misconceptions, textbooks, newspapers, science education

Author Biography

Javier Corbelle Cao, IES Arcebispo Xelmírez 1 (Santiago de Compostela)

Profesor de enseñanza secundaria de la materia de Física y Química




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