Evaluation of problem solving in mathematics: conceptions and practices of secondary teachers


  • Janeth A. Cárdenas Lizarazo Universidad de Extremadura


Evaluation of problem solving in mathematics: conceptions and practices of secondary teachers. We assume that the evaluation is one of the organizers of the curriculum and as such must be integrated in the process of teaching and learning. In addition, we understand that solving problems is specific content that students should work that it is reflected in the curriculum. And, therefore, should be subject to evaluation for work on these aspects we have worked with a group of professors of mathematics high school in Bogota (Colombia). In our research, we have developed four instruments of research: questionnaire on evaluation of problem solving, questionnaire on beliefs of evaluation, analysis of the evaluation activities provided by teachers and interviews. We have made the triangulation of results with its corresponding discussion, commenting on some contradictions, and noting similar ideas collected from four instruments. All this has led us to propose some ideas in relation to the developed content and training teachers of mathematics in secondary.


evaluation, resolution of problems, Mathematics, education, secondary teachers

Author Biography

Janeth A. Cárdenas Lizarazo, Universidad de Extremadura

Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y de las Matemáticas





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