The competition performance testing using the expression of genes in Secondary


  • Blanca Puig Mauriz Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


This thesis examines the development of competition in tests using Secondary school students on the pattern of gene expression.

The objectives are:

1. Analyze the use of evidence by the students and the difficulties of their performance in different argumentative contexts.

2. Analyze student positions on the expression of genes in terms of recognition of gene interactions - environment.

3. Analyze the speech of two teachers in the same teaching unit, as to promote ownership of the model and the use of evidence.


science education, Secondary, Biology and Geology

Author Biography

Blanca Puig Mauriz, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Profesora Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales de la Facultad de Formación de Profesorado de Lugo. Universidad de Santiago de Compostlea




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