The problem of production and consumption of energy: ¿how is it treated in secondary education textbooks?


  • Carolina Martin Gámez Universidad de Málaga
  • Teresa Prieto Ruz Universidad de Málaga
  • Mª Angeles Jiménez López Universidad de Málga


In this paper we investigate on the attention paid to the problem of energy, especially the controversial aspects of it, in a selection of textbooks for compulsory secondary education. The study has focused on the declarative content, which have been categorized. We performed a detailed analysis of the categories related to the «pros and cons of the production» and «the implications of energy consumption». Results show that the proposed contents of the chapters dealing with the issue of energy do not contain the information necessary to give our students an idea of how controversial the issue is, and its enormous relevance to our lifestyle and our future.


Scientific and technological literacy, Secondary education, Energy, Textbooks, Socioscientific issues




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