Styles of emotional work of prospective science teachers during their teaching practice


  • Diana Victoria Hugo López
  • Neus Sanmartí
  • Agustín Adúriz-Bravo


This paper presents an emerging line of work on prospective science teachers’ emotions while teaching a unit during their teaching practice. It aims to help improve the current educational theories that form models for pre- and in-service training of science teachers. We have found in the six cases investigated four styles of emotional work: sensible, seductive, overwhelmed and phlegmatic. These have been characterized by different variables that appear to influence change or permanence in the initial teaching model, such as the secondary emotion generated and its management when metacognitively reflecting on the difficulties encountered in teaching.


Pre-service science teacher education, Practice, Styles of emotional work, Teaching changes

Author Biography

Diana Victoria Hugo López

Docente e investigadora full time en el área de la didáctica de las ciencias en la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Patagonia)-Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación.




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