Assessment of problem-based teaching of light and vision in compulsory secondary education


  • Luis Osuna García
  • Joaquín Martínez Torregrosa
  • Asunción Menargues


Following the planning of problem-based teaching about light and vision for ESO (12- 16 years) and obtaining empirical evidence of its potential educational relevance (Osuna el al., 2007), this new work presents the results of the implementation of a teaching sequence designed according to that planning. In particular, we show that its implementation in the classroom leads to an improved understanding of Kepler’s vision model, which is considered a key objective in the teaching of geometrical optics at this level. Although the subject is difficult, all indicators of students’ ownership improve (orientation, involvement and positive attitude).


Problem-based teaching & learning, Vision model, Conceptual obstacle, Optics

Author Biography

Luis Osuna García

Dep. de didáctica general y didácticas específicas. Faultad de Educación. Universidad de Alicante

Profesor asociado




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