What are the teaching innovations proposed by research to solve problems in physics and what results have been achieved?
For decades, research into problem-solving has been the favourite subject for both psychologists and researchers into teaching sciences. In this work, we will analyse research into problem-solving paying particular attention to the didactic proposal which they make which, in turn, raises further questions: What innovations are proposed? To what point are the learning objectives achieved? To what extent do the proposed didactic changes influence the students to solve problems more successfully? We will examine all the attempts to develop cognition theories which cover a wide scope in terms of their learning conception and which are faithfully reflected in the emergence of didactic proposals for problem solving: learning via algorithms and heuristics, learning based on strengthening expert solving strategies and Inquiry-Based learning.Keywords
Physics problem-solving, research review, didactic proposalsPublished
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Copyright (c) 2009 Mikel Ceberio, Jenaro Guisasola Aranzabal, José Manuel Almudí García

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.