Concepciones de futuros profesores de ciencias sobre un concepto "olvidado" en la enseñanza de la electricidad: la fuerza electronotriz


  • Jenaro Guisasola Aranzabal
  • A. Montero
  • M. Fernández Castro


This paper offers the result of our research into the learning of the concept of EMF at an introductory level according to the following stages: a) To know the main difficulties when defining the concept throughout history. b) To establish the main characteristics of the meaningful learning of the concept of EMF. c) To analyse to what extent students have a meaninful learning of EMF when they finish their degrees in science. The results seem to confirm that university students when finishing their science degrees have not got a clear idea of the notion of EMF. Therefore they often mistake it for potential difference. In the specific test of an easy experience of EMF induction, nearly all the students had serious problems in differentiating between EMF and potential difference.


Electromotive force, potential difference, energy transfer, non-conservative field, learning difficulties




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