Una metodología cualitativa para el estudio de las influencias afectivas en el conocimiento de las matemáticas


  • Inés María Gómez-Chacón


The aim of the investigation that sustains the methodology exposed on this paper is to determine and to describe the dynamic of interaction between the cognitive and affective factors on the mathematics learning in young people with failure at school and in a context of social exclusion.

The research has a qualitative orientation because it is a descriptive-interpretative study about the interrelations between cognition and affect. To typify this interrelation a holistic perspective has been adopted. A design has been developed combining specific ethnographic techniques with those of cases studies and reflection about the action. In this paper we explain the methodology aspects. It describes the elaboration and attributes of two instruments specially designed for the study: one to investigate the beliefs and the other to make a diagnose of the emotional reactions.




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