Modelo de competencias para el campo conceptual aditivo de las magnitudes discretas relativas
In this work we propose a competence model that allows us to organize the additive conceptual field for relative discrete magnitudes from the perspective of problem solving. We start off from Piaget’s concrete operations subperiod where logical and infralogical groupings, arithmetical group Z and measuring are involved. The organizing features of the model will be the epistemological, phenomenological and cognitive elements associated with this field. This organizational proposal constitutes a competence model for the additive conceptual field which integrates those elements and relations given in this field, and which leads to a new classification of different situations and problems associated with it, as well as incorporating and explaining other research, especially that research made in the field of whole numbers by Carpenter and Moser (1983) and others, and the categories put forward by Vergnaud (1982). Furthermore, our proposal facilitates relations with a possible performance model.
Derechos de autor 1998 M. M. Socas Robayna, J. Hernández, A. Noda
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