Knowledge Application and Epistemic Performances In a Design-Project About Buoyancy



This paper analyses pre-service primary teachers’ performances in engineering design by applying their knowledge about buoyancy. Moreover, the epistemic engineering practices carried out during the implementation of the project are also examined. The participants are 68 pre-service teachers from the 2nd year of the Primary Education degree working in 19 small groups of 3-4 members. The intervention was carried in a 90-minute session and the challenge was to design a prototype that would allow the students in the next-door class to understand why a boat floats in water, but a 5-cent coin does not. For data analysis we used the strategy of qualitative content knowledge. The main results point to difficulties in applying the necessary scientific knowledge in the development of the prototype, as well as a heterogeneous use of epistemic engineering practices.


Engineering design, Buoyancy, Pre-service teachers, Qualitative research, Epistemic practices


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