Construction of an Instrument to Notice Mathematic Teachers’ Communicative Orchestration
The aim of the study is to construct an instrument to analyze and develop mathematics teacher noticing of communicative orchestration. This article describes the process of construction and validation of an instrument, in four phases, for this purpose. The instrument is composed of video activities, a rubric and theoretical lenses. The designed instrument can be applied in pre-service and in-service training programs for mathematics teachers where the analysis of classroom situations in mathematics is promoted, and in particular on communicative orchestration in the classroom. Furthermore, the rubric designed could help to characterize the development of teacher noticing of communicative orchestration in the classroom in training programs.
Teacher noticing, Mathematics, Communicative orchestration, Argumentation, InstrumentReferences
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Copyright (c) 2025 Victoria Arriagada , Ceneida Fernández , Horacio Solar

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