Polymeric Film Applied in a Sustainability Teaching Mini-Project
This document describes a five-week mini-project for teaching chemistry and sustainability. Activities include the production of sustainable polymeric films from chitosan and cellulose and their application in the adsorption of food dyes. The skills and concepts normally present in practical chemistry courses are covered: use of balances, volumetric glassware, dilution techniques, UV-Vis spectrophotometry technique and stoichiometric calculations. In addition, students are introduced to the usual research and development steps for new materials used in adsorption processes.
Polymer film, Chitosan, Cellulose, Food dye, AdsorptionReferences
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Copyright (c) 2023 Camila Pereira Grandini, Cristiane Renata Schmitt , Aline Joana Rolina Wohlmuth Alves dos Santos , Patrícia Ignácio , Gilber Ricardo Rosa
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.