«Not Everything is Sargassum»: Learning from a Marine-Coastal Citizen Science Project


  • Ana I. Benavides Lahnstein Museo de Historia Natural
  • Arely A. Paredes Chi Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Ameyalli Ríos Vázquez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • María del Carmen Galindo-De Santiago Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Kaysara Khatun University of Greenwich
  • Erika Vázquez Delfín Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Lucy Robinson Angela Marmont Centre for UK Nature
  • Juliet Brodie Natural History Museum
  • Jessica Wardlaw Natural History Museum


The effects of the abundant arrival of macroalgae, such as Sargassum, to the Yucatan Peninsula motivated the monitoring of beach-cast seaweeds through a citizen science project aimed at affected and interested populations. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were employed to analyse the learning outcomes of 18 participants (16 to 18 years) in the project’s first stage. Among the findings, the interrelation of new disciplinary learning about macroalgae and skills for fieldwork stood out. Participants showed renewed and positive attitudes toward science and beach-cast seaweeds. We reflect on which factors drove their learning and research skills when addressing the scientific objectives, including the relevance of the problem, the introductory workshop, and the socialisation between the scientists involved and the participants.


Climate change, Community science, Scientific training, Citizen science, Sargasso


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