Dynamic Conception of the Limit of a Function from an APOS and Semiotic Registers Perspective
This is a research study with the aim of improving Cottrill and collaborators’ genetic decomposition for the dynamic conception of limit for real valued functions so that it takes into account the semiotic representation registers. The refinement considered the results of other studies where activities designed with APOS theory in different semiotic representation registers were included. Results from the new data analysis showed the need to make explicit the mental construction in each representation register and to include the totality and object structures for the dynamic conception of limit of a real valued function. This theoretical study presents a deeper analysis of the dynamic conception of limit that intends to be useful for both teachers and researchers working with high school and university students.
APOS theory, Limit of a function, Semiotic registersReferences
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lidia Aurora Hernández Rebollar, María Trigueros Gaisman, Honorina Ruiz Estrada, Estela Juárez Ruiz
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