Chemistry, environmental education and everyday life: Tropospheric ozone


  • A. Borsese
  • S. Esteban


Nowadays environmental problems are growing so much that an education in this direction since the first school levels has become a necessity. On the other hand the connection between the curricular contents, and specially the scientific ones, with daily life phenomena constitutes a trend of the teaching approaches of the last years. According to that trend and with the aim of establishing a connection of this type, the tropospheric ozone pollution has been chosen in order to design a didactic route. Its objective is to provide the students with the necessary scientific knowledge for understanding the questions related to environment. Thus, they would also be able to value the mass media information about this subject. The elaboration, development and results of this design, put in practice in the classroom with a sample of pupils of secondary school, is discussed.


Environmental education, scientific education, tropospheric ozone, stratospheric ozone, pollution




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