La metacognición y el mejoramiento de la enseñanza de química universitaria


  • M. E. Parolo
  • L. M. Barbieri
  • R. Chrobak


This work, which is part of a more extensive research project on the improvement of Chemistry teaching at university level, presents the results obtained by applying an innovative teaching methodology. This methodology was designed with the objective of helping students to better understand and solve problems regarding the topic «Solutions». In order to facilitate learning, the proposed methodology includes the use of metacognitive tools (concept maps, Gowin’s Vee and clinical interviews), which allows the students to apply significant learning methodolo­gies.

After applying these tools, we evaluated the students in order to measure their achievements and their learning. The analysis of the results shows that the use of this new instructional approach helps the students in their learning process because they become aware of the mechanism they use to achieve significant learning.


Metacognition, metacognitive tools, solutions, significant learning, university teaching




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