Genética y formación científica : resultados de un proyecto de investigación y sus implicaciones sobre los programas escolares y la enseñanza


  • C. Wood-Robinson
  • J. Lewis
  • J. Leach
  • R. Driver


This paper discusses the place of genetics in thecontext of scientific literacy and the school science curriculum. It then goes on to report on the work of a three year research project which seeks to document the understanding of genetics, and of modern genetic technologies, and opinions of these technologies among 15-16 years olds in England. Four aspects of the work will be reported on here. These are concerned with understanding the genetics of cells, the universality of genetic information among living things, and gene technology, and with opinions on the advisability of prenatal screening for cystic fibrosis. The implications for the school curriculum and for teaching are then discussed. The authors are grateful to the Wellcome Trust for their support in enabling this research.




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